LimeSDR mini 2.0
Sprzętowa platforma transceivera SDR LimeSDR mini 2.0
LimeSDR mini 2.0 to sprzętowa podstawa typu open source do stworzenia transceivera SDR lub wykorzystania jako odbiornik szerokopasmowy SDR. Może ona posłużyć do własnych konstrukcji, zarówno autonomicznych (stand-alone), jak i sterowanych z poziomu komputera czy nawet tabletu lub telefonu. Zakres pracy 10MHz-3,5Ghz.
RF transceiver: Lime Microsystems LMS7002M
FPGA: Lattice ECP5
LimeSDR Mini board features:
RF and BB parameters:
Configuration: SISO (1x TX, 1x RX)
Frequency range: 10 MHz – 3.5 GHz
Bandwidth: 30.72 MHz
Sample depth: 12 bit
Sample rate: 30.72 MSPS
Transmit power: max 10 dBm (depending on frequency)
USB 3.0 controller: FTDI FT601
FPGA: board is designed for Lattice ECP5 family LFE5U-25F/LFE5U-45F/LFE5U-85F FPGAs in 285-ball csfBGA package. By default board is assembled with LFE5U-45F-MG285 FPGA. Lattice ECP5 LFE5U-45F features:
285-pin csfBGA package (10 x 10 mm, 0.5 mm)
44 K LUTs logic capacity
108 sysMEM Blocks (18 Kb)
1944 Kb Embedded Memory
351 Kb distributed RAM
72x 18x18-bit multipliers
4x PLLs and 4x DLLs
118 IOs
FPGA configuration via JTAG
RF transceiver: Lime Microsystems LMS7002M
EEPROM Memory: 2x 128Kb EEPROMs for LMS MCU firmware and FPGA data (optional)
FLASH Memory: 128Mb Flash memory for FPGA configuration
Temperature sensor: LM75
General user inputs/outputs:
3x Dual colour (RG) LEDs
8x + 2x FPGA GPIO pinheaders (3.3V) (optional)
USB 3.0 (type A) plug
Coaxial RF (SMA female) connectors
FPGA GPIO headers (unpopulated)
FPGA JTAG connector (unpopulated)
FAN (5V default or 3.3V) connector
Clock system:
40.00MHz on board VCTCXO
VCTCXO can be tuned by onboard DAC
Reference clock input and output connectors (U.FL)
Board size: 69mm x 31.4mm
Board power source: USB connector (5V)
The SDR community has has used Lime products for a wide range of applications, such as:
- Amateur digital TV broadcast
- Satellite ground station
- Streaming FM to the Internet
- OreSat, Oregon's first satellite
- Spectrum-scanning jammer and controller for drones
- Bit pattern generator aligned with the SDR data stream
- Digital audio broadcast
Urządzenie sprzedawane jest z gwarancją 12 miesięcy.